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Egypt’s ACI customs system updated

A new customs system called Advanced Cargo Information (ACI) was mandatory from July 01, 2021.

It aims to dematerialize the data, to reduce the time and costs of customs clearance but also to verify the goods and their origin.

ACID (Advanced Cargo Information Declaration) system is for trial till the end of September 2021 and has been applied officially started from the 1st of October 2021. Based on ACI system which has been mandatory started the 1st of October on all shipments arriving in Egypt, all agents ( freight forwarding agents) over the world sending\shipping goods to Egypt whether freehand or back-to-back shipments must register through the CARGO X platform.

Registration number, as well as VAT number, must be sent to your agent to issue MBL ACID number to be mentioned on MBL ( which differs from ACID number issued by CNEE direct ) and should also be sent to the shipper \ supplier to be mentioned on HBL and all documents.

You have to inform\send to your agent of details of shipments (whether freehand or back to back) to allow them to issue the ACID number and send it to you to mention on MBL prior to shipping. Otherwise, shipments will be rejected and re-exported back.

The Egyptian law No. 7/2020 has led to the creation of a new customs system called Advanced Cargo Information (ACI). This system simplifies the procedure of releasing goods and verifying the information of exporters and importers. It allows the acceptance or not of certain goods. This law is in force since April 1st and will become mandatory from July 1st, 2021.

ACI aims not only to dematerialize the data, to reduce the time and cost of customs clearance but also to verify the goods and their origin.

Affected by this law:Egyptian importers; Foreign exporters and suppliers to Egypt; Customs clearance companies; Sea and air transport companies.

The ACI procedure involves:The Egyptian importer registers on the Egyptian online portal Nafeza; The Egyptian customs authority evaluates the potential risk within 48 hours: if the cargo is accepted, the unique identification number (ACID number) is automatically transmitted; 24 hours prior to the departure of the goods from the port of export, the carrier enters the list of goods to be shipped to Egypt on the Nafeza portal, the data is then automatically verified and the carrier receives a confirmation message; The foreign exporter prepares the data and documents for the shipment and sends them electronically on the CargoX transfer platform; The Egyptian importer approves the data and documents: he has the option to request pre-clearance processing; In Egypt, the shipping agent transmits the cargo declaration electronically to customs via the Nafeza platform no later than 48 hours after the vessel’s arrival.